Volcano Hourglass V0.2

Updates to Volcano Hourglass have been made in respect to feedback given on the initial submitting, as well as updates I thought would make the game more full and enjoyable.

- Player

  •  double jump and coyote jump added.
  • Animated double jump.
  • Reduced  speed and jump height.
  • Reduced gravity on players mid-air descent.

- Level

  • Level redesign with respect to the player's new movement options and controls.
  • Volcano now has initial eruption effect along with a small continuous lava eruption.
  • Lava starts from the bottom and fills to the top of the screen instead of starting in the middle.
  • Lava is now contained inside of the hourglass and will not go outside of it.
  • Lava color has been changed from a deep red to a deep orange.
  • The sand at the top now animates to visualize to the player how much time is left before the explosion.


lava-hourglass.zip Play in browser
58 days ago

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